(704) 549-1950

Paying a Hefty Traffic Ticket? Here’s Why You Should Consult with an Attorney First

Home > GPS Law Group Blog > Paying a Hefty Traffic Ticket? Here’s Why You Should Consult with an Attorney First

If you’ve been pulled over and issued a traffic ticket in North Carolina, you may be feeling a sense of dread about what comes next. After all, no one wants to go to court or pay a fine. But before you simply pay the ticket and move on, you should know that you have options for defending yourself against a traffic ticket.

An experienced traffic ticket defense attorney can help you fight the ticket and keep your driving record clean. Here’s a look at some ways an attorney can help you defend against a traffic ticket in North Carolina.

Understand the Charges Against You

The first step in mounting a defense against a traffic ticket is to understand the charges against you. Your attorney will review the ticket and the evidence against you to determine what exactly you’re being charged with. In some cases, the charges may be incorrect or based on faulty evidence.

Challenge the Officer’s Observations

Once your attorney understands the charges against you, they will begin to build a defense. One way to do this is to challenge the officer’s observations. Was the officer able to see you speeding? Or did they make an assumption based on your speed?

In many cases, an officer’s observations can be challenged in court. This may lead to the charges against you being reduced or even dropped entirely.

Negotiate With the Prosecutor

If the charges against you are not dropped, your attorney will then negotiate with the prosecutor to try to get the charges reduced. This is often done by bargaining for a lesser charge in exchange for pleading guilty to the reduced charge.

For example, if you’re charged with speeding, your attorney may be able to negotiate with the prosecutor for a plea to a lesser charge, such as improper equipment. This can help you avoid points on your license and a higher insurance rate.

Fight the Charges in Court

If the prosecutor is not willing to negotiate or the charges against you are serious, your attorney will take your case to court. This is where having a skilled traffic ticket defense attorney can make a difference.

Your attorney will present your defense in court and cross-examine the officer who issued the ticket. In many cases, the officer does not show up for court, which can lead to the charges being dropped. Even if the officer does show up, a skilled attorney can often get the charges reduced or dismissed.

Get the Legal Help You Need

If you have been cited for a traffic violation in North Carolina, you know how stressful and expensive it can be. But did you know that you don’t have to go through the court process alone?

GPS Law Group has a team of experienced traffic ticket defense lawyers who can help you fight your ticket and protect your driving record. We have a proven track record of success in traffic court, and we can help you avoid the costly penalties and insurance rate increases that come with a conviction.

We understand the North Carolina traffic laws and know how to build a strong defense on your behalf. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to get the best possible outcome in your case and will be there with you every step of the way.

If you have been cited for a traffic violation, don’t wait to get help. Contact GPS Law Group today at (704) 549-1950 or use our online contact form to send a message and set up a free consultation. We will review your case and help you understand your options. Let us put our experience to work for you.

GPS Law Group serves Charlotte, North Carolina, and the surrounding communities.