Property owners and tenants should get legal representation for various landlord and tenant law concerns.
There are many different landlord and tenant law topics that both sides need to be aware of. However, it would be challenging to keep up with not only current laws, but new ones that come out without the help of a real estate attorney. At GPS Law Group, we stay on top of state laws so that we can serve the needs of the landlords and tenants in the Charlotte, North Carolina area.
From the landlord perspective, it is important to know what landlord and tenant law dictates on such matters as required landlord disclosures, security deposit limits and the rules regarding the return of the deposit, rent-related issues such as late fees, termination and eviction rules, landlord access, and other North Carolina landlord-tenant statutes. We can advise you about your rights and responsibilities, as well as represent you should you have a tenant who is suing you.
From the tenant perspective, you should know your rights and responsibilities as dictated by landlord and tenant law, as well as what responsibilities the landlord has. For example, you may have the right to withhold rent or exercise the right to repair and then deduct the cost from your rent for certain types of repair concerns. You should also be aware of fair housing rights and how to file in small claims court if you didn’t get back your deposit and should have.
If you have questions about landlord and tenant law as a property owner or a tenant, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
At GPS Law Group, we offer landlord and tenant law services to those in Charlotte, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Mint Hill, Pineville, Concord, Harrisburg, and Kannapolis, North Carolina.